May the wind be always at your back;
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rain fall softly on your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
God bless you all... John and Sandy
Stuff from Tennessee
for sale on e-bay!!!
click here or click the picture
a dollar today is worth a kiss tomorrow!!
And finally, his last picture before the great escape:
Jill says Hi - and remember, take good care of yourself so you can take good care of me!!
PS: Saturday Dennis and Marie and Sandy and I went to dinner and a play... I will blog some pictures soon..................
See that gate to the right of the burn piles? That is the gate from which Jack and Jill escaped. I was raking those leaves out of the gate and had been playing with the dogs while raking and turned my back for just a minute to rake some more and they apparently snuck off behind my back and were gone. By the time I realized they were gone it was way too late - for a while I thought Sandy had put them in the house.............. So then I had this dilemma, I am very cautious with fires during the fall. I did not want to leave the burning leaves for long to look for the dogs and so I made short trips up and down our road trying to find them.. but they apparently were having a great time playing in the woods.... at least that is where I found Jill the next morning............. I lost the dogs, it is 100% my fault, and I too pray for Jack's safety and return to home..........
Here he is right before he hit the road.............. is that not a roguish face?
Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers......
And remember, take good care of yourself so you can take good care of someone else, God bless you, john
It is hanging near my desk at home so that I can see it every day. According to the little attachment it is "Inspired by God. Handcrafted and signed by Bruce Carey of Ingram, TX. It is made of Texas Mesquite.
"The Crooked Cross is purposely imperfect; handcrafted without use of measures or patterns to remind us how unique, individual and beautiful we all are. As our creator, God in Heaven made each one of us in His image, we are His children and perfect in His eyes, as He does not make mistakes."
Remember, take good care of the precious person you are; made in God's image and likeness. And love your neighbor as you love yourself and as you love your God. Be thankful daily for being you and share yourself with others freely. God bless you, john