Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds….
That is the slogan of the United States Postal Service as paraphrased from Herodotus (484?–425? B.C.)
Well a few weeks ago in the middle of the night on a Sunday some numb skull was speeding on our road and lost control of their car and crashed into our mailbox trying to do what the weather cannot do and that is keep the mail from being delivered.......... there are some pieces of the car... by the way, this was a hit-and-run so I was happy to see some car parts laying around. Of course I did not want any one hurt, but if you are going to tear up a persons property you could at least make it right....
It was tilted up making hard to get the mail in and out...
So, the first thing I did was wrap a chain around the mail box and hooked it to my truck and pulled it to the uprigth position. This took several attempts to get it straight without pulling it out of the ground but I was finally able to do it.
Oh, did I say that the sun was shining but the wind was blowing and it was cold. This is the first time since it happened that I was able to work on it.
Here is the 4X4 in an upright position. I had to cut off about 6" of the post - the previous mail box had been installed incorrectly so I had to do the cutting so that the new mail box could be installed correctly.....
And here is the finished product!
Another view!!!
Here I am leaning on it.......pushing it over... not really, the camera was on a post across the street and sitting at an angel...
I am happy and Sandy is happy!!!
Remember, take good care of yourself , so you can take good care of someone else. Dennis I am thinking about you..... seeya, john