Saturday, October 07, 2006
Q. Is it is first?
A. No
Q. Is it his 13th?
A. No, but my oldest grandson will be 13 tomorrow....
Q. Is it his 21st?
A. No
Q. Is it his 30th?
A. No
Q. Is it his 40th?
A. No
Q. Is it his 50th?
A. No
Q. Is it his 60th?
A. No
Q. Is it his 70th?
A. No
Q. Have we missed the milestone?
A. Yes
Q. Well which is it and when is it?
A. I know, but I am not telling. You will have to ask him yourself...... It is soon!!!!
Take good care of yourself, john
Friday, October 06, 2006
I hope you are having a really nice Friday afternoon in October....The leaves are changing around our home as they are all over East Tennessee.....I am certainly thankful to have seen the beginning of autumn for another year.

As you can see, some of the trees are turning and some are not there yet - this is the view from our deck facing northwest.....the general direction Minnesota. Sadly, the tree in the center of the picture on the right is dead........ been dead all spring and summer and I guess it is just going to stay dead!!!
Well, I wanted to show you all of my Ande Rooney sign collection -
I will be selling them one-at-a-time on E-Bay soon....... stay tuned......
Today I had a meeting in the morning and a meeting in the afternoon... in between I went to Beasley's Home Cooking restaurants and ate a cajun chicken sandwich with fries and de-caf coffee.... it was yummy. I also bought a cocoanut cream pie and a peanut butter pie for us to eat this weekend......... Sandy's sister is here and her brother and family will be over for dinner tonight and tomorrow night.......... for them, it is a family reunion of sorts although Ann's family is not here.... no pig roast - we are having Gregg's pizza tonight and who knows what tomorrow night.......... pie for sure!!!!
Well, I guess I should sign off, and finish baking my bread and clean-up my area... company is coming....
Remember, take good care of yourself.......... cheers, john
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Just a quickie to show you my new E-Bay auction..........
These signs bring to life images of America from the turn of the century onward. These made in the U. S. A. reproductions are crafted by layering liquefied enamels of ground glass crystals onto steel plates and kiln-firing at 1350°F. Durable and rust-resistant with a lustrous color and finish, the signs bring a touch of quality nostalgia to your home or places of work and play, evoking memories of old barns, country stores, gas stations, train stops and even the contents of grand's cupboard. From the label on the back of the sign.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006
It is the season of:

and our home becomes suddenly transformed into a new and different atmosphere
There are many more images that I could share with you - and will as in due time.
So, I will wish you a happy Halloween season and remind you not to forget the pumpkin patch at Cherokee United Methodist Church, October 13 to Halloween.............
And to cap it off:
Remember - Take good care of yourself................................boooooooooooooooooo