65th Birthday
Wish me many more
Health and wealth and
Friends by the score
Cut the cake and lets eat some more
Happy Birthday to me!!!
verse altered from the song Cut the Cake by John McCutcheon
Health and wealth and
Friends by the score
Cut the cake and lets eat some more
Happy Birthday to me!!!
verse altered from the song Cut the Cake by John McCutcheon
The week of July 12 through 19 Sandy and I orchestrated a gathering of the Quigley clan to celebrate my 65th birthday.... We came together at a place called the Tanasi Lodge on a ridge top overlooking the Wares Valley near Pigeon Forge, Tennessee....
Here we are on Sunday afternoon, the one day we were all together.....
In the back row we have Raven, Jason, Sandy, Ian, Mark, John, Jasyn, and Dennis.
Now you know the cast of characters so we can move forward in our unscripted series of events that was certainly one of the happiest weeks of my life!!!!
Sunday was a day of rest since we all traveled on Saturday - some from as far away as CT.
We did many wonderful things during the week.....but what we did not attempt was taking the whole crew out to dinner (supper). Rather, we had each family take responsibility for one evening meal. Sandy and I had Sunday; Marie and Dennis, Monday; Amy and Mark, Tuesday; Emily and Jasyn, Wednesday; Katie and John, Thursday (my birthday feast), and leftovers on Friday!!! Each meal was excellent and without planning, there was something different every night.......
Fast forward to Thursday..... the day!!

Also on my birthday the grandchildren put on a play for me....
the stars take a bow!!
I really appreciate everything that was done with me and for me during this week. I appreciate everybody taking time from busy schedules, pre-season football practice, moving, and other lifes events to share with me - you all have given me more joy than you can imagine..
Thank you, love, John/Dad/Grandpa/Gramps, etc.............