Roxy Kitty came home from the vet this afternoon after spending the weekend in the hospital and getting IV fluids and antibiotics and having lots of blood work..... She does seem to be somewhat better!!!
The blood work indicated that she may have Toxoplasmosis - it is caused by a one-celled parasite called Toxoplasma gondii. But, they cannot be sure that is what is wrong until they do another blood test exactly three weeks after this blood test.....and the second blood test is also positive. In the meantime, back at the ranch, Sandy and I will feed Roxy Kitty two different types of anitbotics... one general and the other specifically for Toxoplasmosis.... eeeehaaa!!!!
Well the good news is I am not writing her obituary at this time....... and we are very happy about that!!!!!
Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.... I will keep you updated when something new happens....
Cheers, john
ps - tomorrow I take Little Bit Kitty to the vet..............