Today I had to forgo breakfast with my friends - Dennis, Marie, Joe, Roz and Bo so that I could stay home and wait for a UPS Freight drop shipment sometime between early morning and early afternoon..... I ate bacon and eggs in honor of my friends!!
There goes the 18 wheeler after dropping off the 5 boxes of new deck furniture!!! Sandy and I decided to forward spend some of our expected government economic stimulus money!!! That actually probably means we will spend it again when we get it!!!
As you can see the furniture came in pieces instead of wholes!!!!
I set about putting it together...
Using the tale gate of my truck as a work bench, I started with the chairs and they went together without a hitch!!!
Here is a representative sample.....
Next came the table!!! When I opened the package with the directions and the hardware low and behold if the directions were not for a table, but for a chair!!! I already had 4 sets of those and really wanted the directions for the table..... not to be!!!
Oh well, I am lucky to be a pretty intuitive guy with good ability to see how things go together.... (I wouldn't try an airplane) so I studied the parts and the hardware and was able to figure out how everything should go together......... Thank you God.
And here are a couple of pictures of the finished product...
Pretty soon it will be deck weather everyday and I cannot wait!!
Cheers to everybody..... Peace, john