Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
It is hanging near my desk at home so that I can see it every day. According to the little attachment it is "Inspired by God. Handcrafted and signed by Bruce Carey of Ingram, TX. It is made of Texas Mesquite.
"The Crooked Cross is purposely imperfect; handcrafted without use of measures or patterns to remind us how unique, individual and beautiful we all are. As our creator, God in Heaven made each one of us in His image, we are His children and perfect in His eyes, as He does not make mistakes."
Remember, take good care of the precious person you are; made in God's image and likeness. And love your neighbor as you love yourself and as you love your God. Be thankful daily for being you and share yourself with others freely. God bless you, john

Then we saw a TRAIN......... and stood by it........... very touristy....

Here we all are on the deck before the final shopping spree..................After enjoying ourselves hugely on the deck.... we changed cloths and headed to the train station....

Had dinner and a play on the Great Smokey Mountain Railway......
So, remember, take good care of yourself so you can take good care of someone else.... it is great to have friends like Dennis and Marie.... cheers, john

While in Dillsboro this past Friday Marie, Dennis, Sandy and I happened to see this church bell.... It is from a Methodist Church but currently sits outside of a Baptist Church - truly an ecumenical bell..... Coincidentally we stayed in the Jarrett House overnight....
Here is what I think....we should build our bell a little structure that looks like our bell tower and place our bell in the little structure in front of the church....since the bell is probably got a name attached to it already (and I should probably know, but don't), maybe we could talk someone into wanting to put a name on the little tower....of course, they would have to pay for the tower and the bell installation. In other words, it would be a memorial to someone..... Ok, I could morph a couple of pictures and show you what it would look like, but I don't want to, so you will have to use your own imagination..... It would not look like this........
but then again, we do not live in Dillsboro......
For sure, remember to take good care of yourself so that you can take good care of someone else.......... ding-a-ling, john
Sunday, October 22, 2006

and then of course there are Jill and Jack..................................

They were enjoying the day yesterday................
Dennis, Marie, Sandy and I went on a train ride Friday night......... It was a dinner, theater, train ride......... That will be the subject of my next blog, which will be coming at you later....
Take good care of yourself, so you can take good care of another....... cheers, john