Thursday, June 28, 2007

Tomorrow, June 29, is the day Matthew Fay has his scans done following his last chemotherapy treatment. Please pray for Matthew and his family. Please pray that his cancer is gone. Thank you. Peace, John

Monday, June 25, 2007

Well - that light house that Dennis made is something else!!!

As for me it is grade, grade, and grade some more - the classes end on July 6 and vacation starts on July 13......eeeeeehaaaaa

How about this for excitement - our well started to sputter on Saturday.... it almost quit. After letting is sit for awhile, is seemed to have water... but we realized it is time to hook up to the Town of Jonesborough water.......... Oh my ga!!!! I just paid $1500 for the tap... For those of you who do not know, that is the connection that the water department makes so that you can run the water to your home... The water department has to do it - you cannot do it.

After they do that, a plumber runs a line to the house.... don't know how much that will cost. A plumber is coming this evening to give us an estimate........ The good news is that the pressure for this water is going to be great, it is an 8" water line going down our street.... we have to get a 300psi water valve to control the pressure in the house.... We can still use our well water for yard work...but the two systems cannot be tied into each other they have to be completely seperate... sounds like more work for the plumber!!!

Well, pray that the well lasts until we are hooked up - and remember to take good care of yourself so you can take good care of someone else. Peace, john