Hi Bloggers -
Today I went to faculty meetings and cut the grass at church.We had a College (Business and Technology) meeting at 8:30 AM and a Departmental (Management and Marketing) meeting at 10:00 AM.
After that..............was way more fun.
I met John Spruling about 2:45 PM. He was cutting the parsonage and I started cutting the church............we finished in about 2 hours and I came home and had a Gaelic Ale.
I hope you had a good day too.
Take good care of yourself, cheers, john
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006

In a rare mid-day blog I feel it necessary to share this image with you and hope your imagination is in full force....... This is a political commentary from my colleague Jim Frierson. We share similar political viewpoints..... Imagine.....
I figure, for the enconomists in our midst, that this is an example of trickle down economics... I am not sure if it is good or bad, it probably depends where you are sitting.... Also, there does not seem to be any middle ground here............
Well, have a cheery day, and remember, take good care of yourself...john
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Hello Blogskateers.... Today I had breakfast with Dennis and Marie - Great fun!!! Then I took my mower to be fixed. Then I had lunch with my youngest son - he is in law school at the University of Maryland - the law school and medical complex are in Baltimore - He is studying to be an environmental lawyer.... He will finish next May and has his first job as the clerk for an Appeals Judge in Maryland - (that is like the Supreme Court Judge in Tennessee). Then I went back to Boones Creek and picked up my mower.... Then I got caught up on my blog reading and now I am writing my blog.......... Oh! I stopped by Comcast's office in Boones Creek and asked if they had an dual DVRs?......... the answer was no....... next question was when?........ answer was check back in a month........ that, by the way, is the same answer I have received every time I have asked for over a year......... Compared to Charter, Comcast sucks......... Well, have a cheery evening and remember to take good care of yourself, john
PS - meetings start tomorrow at work - summer is officially over today... that also sucks and
if you have Comcast, write all of the county commissioners and tell them Comcast sucks here is the URL where you can write: http://www.washingtoncountytn.com/
PS - meetings start tomorrow at work - summer is officially over today... that also sucks and
if you have Comcast, write all of the county commissioners and tell them Comcast sucks here is the URL where you can write: http://www.washingtoncountytn.com/
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