But actually, I am only half nuts. How do I know? I am going to tell you!!!
This year is the 25th anniversary of my first bout with cancer... That's kind of cool, isn't it?
Well, 25 years ago in 1984, my testicle swelled way up and really hurt. I went to the doctor and he got me hooked-up with an ultra sound of my testicles to see what was going on in there... (The ultra sound story is kind of interesting too, but not for today.)
So, I had an ultra sound and he found that I had one good nut and one bad nut. Here is a picture -

He decided that the bad nut should be removed.... so he whipped out his trusty knife...

That left me with only one good nut..........

Therefore, when someone says, "you're nuts!!!" I know that they really mean, I'm just half nuts!!
HAPPY Valentine's Day.
Cheers, John