Hello beautiful people - Today has been so exciting, I have been cleaning house and baking!! Company is coming on Saturday and I had to get a head start on the house cleaning.... Also, I bought the dogs new mats for the kennels and I had to clean out the kennels before I put the new mats inside. While there are no pictures, I want you to try and imagine what it might look like for me to be on my hands and knees, with my head and shoulders inside the kennel's (one at a time) with my mini-vac................ Wow, I do wish I had that picture!!! While the dogs seem interested in their new mats, they are having too much fun just hanging out with me in the den this afternoon while I baked........it is nice to be loved!!! Well, next I will be starting dinner. Sandy is going to be late getting home from work so I am going to start dinner. It will be a vegetable dinner....pinto beans, home made cole slaw, corn on the cob, baked new white potatos, cucumbers, (Sandy might make some basil tomatoes, but we had that last night, so probably not), and corn bread...................yummy.....our meat will consist of the smoked ham hock that has been cooking in the beans all day.........yummy x 2!!!
Well, that is about it for today, I have also worked on my slide show for church and thought about school.................... Right now, I am listening to Harry Chapin sing "A better place to be."
God bless you, and remember, take good care of yourself.......cheers, john
PS: Want a cookie?
yes, I want a cookie!!! :)
come on!
I think we need a picture of you in the kennel! Oh, I will take one of those cookies! See you soon,
Cookies look great!
Cookie...weight watchers? What's that?
See you soon, bro!
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