My friend Michael sent me this picture and then my friend Dennis sent me this picture too!!

It had the following caption:
"We’ve all seen the faces of those ravaged by the floods of Sri Lanka and New Orleans. This “award-winning” photograph of the recent flood waters rising in Ireland captures the horror and suffering there. Please keep these people in your thoughts!!!!!"
I felt like that yesterday while I was cutting the grass at church in the rain. Fortunately for me, the really hard rain started while I was in Food City picking up some adult beverages so I could go home and look like the picture..........
I have classes on Tuesday and Thursday this semester. Yesterday was Thursday so I have completed one week of the semester.......WhoAh!!! Tomorrow, we are introducing an MBA team to a client in the morning and then I am going home.
Around 1:30PM Dennis and Jason and I will help Frank load our china cabinet into his truck and take it to his home to strip and refinish......this is very nerve racking because this china cabinet has wrap around glass................Frank is very trustworthy, like Dennis, "a reliable chap" (none of us are boys anymore) and so I trust him to take good care of our antique.........
Have a good day, and remember to take good care of yourself, cheers, john
1 comment:
I think we were both trying to tell you that you need to buy some wellington boots!!! See you later, Love Dennis
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