Tuesday, December 12, 2006



nbta said...

Great link! I sent it to some folks that could probably use a good cheering up at this time. If you find any other jewels, let me know.

To answer your questions from Michael's blog, I have been leading Bible studies for many years. I was leading 3 a week in different locations around Nasvhille before we started NBTA. I consolidated them and now I only have the one at NBTA. It's open to the public but we never push or really encourage anyone to come unless they ask us or if they find out the info visiting our website...and if the inquire, we welcome them. I tend to move people along when the group gets too large! I ask someone in the group to start their own at their house...I think it's important to stay small and be able to minister to the needs of those who attend and it's always good to encourage others to take on servant/leader roles.
Though my theology my be a bit different than the main line denominations, we arefollowers of Jesus and are part of the "church". We encourage and hold each other accountable by trying to love and minister the Gospel in the ways of Jesus. We all come from different backgrounds and search the Word of God to answer our questions and teach us. Pretty simple approach! Love the Lord God with all our heart and love our neighbors.
Thanks for asking. mark

quig said...

Thank you Mark. The intimacy of that kink of group often gets lost when "biggness", and all of the trimmings, take over. I am not well schooled in scripture, but I read and try to learn. While my basic philosophy is the same as yours, lately I have found myself falling into the trap of being a critical child rather than a loving brother. Recently I read that if we are constantly loveing and supporting each other, we do not have time to be critical. Thank you for helping me get focused and ponder alternatives. john

nbta said...

Yes, it's tough being human! We're all critical and seem to think we know what's better for others. But Jesus also was a bit harsh to the "religious" ones...because they of all people should know better! The older I get, the more I study God's Word, the more I realize I have a long way to go. I do have alot more understanding on why we are the way we are...and that gives me a little more patience and grace to encourage rather than condemn. BUT...I certainly get caught up in
wanting to shake people and wake them up to the Word of God!
Keep studying God's Word. Jesus said the Spirit will lead you to all the Truth. Sadly, most just want to live in the comfort of their surroundings and have someone tell them what is truth instead of searching it out for themselves and allowing God to move in their hearts...Jesus said to pick up our cross and follow Him. We are all called to be "priests of the Most High God"! Keep reading, praying, and believing that God is able to do great things in our lives...Mainly change us to be like Him!

quig said...

Great words of wisdom.. thank you... I love the new picture.. May God be with us during this season of renewal...

nbta said...

Yes, may God be with us! I had to change that picture...couldn't stand seeing that big old face plastered to the page! I'm sure I'll change it again sometime...