Saturday, December 15, 2007
I saw Matt on Thursday, he was taking a couple of tests so that he could remove Incompletes from his record from the semester a year ago. The university requires Incompletes to be removed within a year or the become Fs. He has some facial hair but his head was bald. He was more thin then the last time I saw him. He was in a cheery mood. I got to chat with him between exams, he had to take two that day. By the time he finished the second he was extremely tired.
He told me he was having one of his regular treatments starting next Monday, the 17th. This treatment is to hold his tumor where it is now until he can have a new treatment sometime in the new year. There is a doctor in New York at Sloan-Kettering that has a new, experimental, treatment for the kind of cancer Matt has. That doctor has had some success with the treatment. It is so new, and so experimental, that you have to go to Sloan-Kettering to have it. Matt's current physician is now in the process of getting Matt into that treatment program.
Matt continues to have a positive attitude..... I can't help think that on Monday while the 4 O'Clock Club meets for a chit chat and brew and companionship that Matt will be having that treatment to hold his tumor in check. And while we spend this coming week in anticipation of the coming of the Christ.... Matt will be fending off the effects of that treatment and once more be losing his hair...
I would ask you to pause for a few seconds during this week and pray for this young man has he battles his disease. Pray that he may find the treatment that will cure his cancer.....
God bless you all, john
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
It is a wonderful time that we share.....priceless really!!!
Merry Christmas to all, john
Friday, November 23, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
You will recall that Matt is a student at the college where I teach and he works in my department. He was within a semester of completing his degree. Last year he contracted a rare form of cancer, passed along genetically, and has been fighting ever since. He has been having chemo for over a year and apparently will continue to do so...... He needs all of our thoughts and prayers. So tell your friends to pray for Matt and his family.
Thanks and blessings to you all. John
Friday, November 16, 2007
thank you, john
Monday, November 12, 2007
These are our inflateable gohsts...... we used them on our deck this year and also in the back of the truck for Trunk or Treat!!!
Our not so scary scare crow!!!
100 pumkins all in a row - all dressed up and ready to go -
To the Coalition for Kids!!!!
Jill on a field trip!!
Trunk of treaters getting some pumpkins!!
A trunk decoration..............
Another Trunk or Treator!!!!
Our less than spectacular fall colors!!!
Peace to you all, John
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Yesterday after my PT session for my shoulder, I needed to go to Wal-Mart and wanted to go to eat... So I decided to try the Gondolier Italian Restaurant and Pizza a new place near the Wal-Mart..... Here is the e-mail I just sent to their corporate offices, after all, they do business in 5 states!!!!
I am writing to complain about the service I received yesterday at your Johnson City store. Actually it should be the service I did not receive.
I walked in for lunch at about 11:30 AM on Friday. I was seated and looked at the menu. I decided what I wanted to eat. Ten minutes later no one had been to my table. The hostess went by to seat some people and I ask her if anyone was working this section. She said she would send them right out. The people she seated received immediate service. I sat there for another 5 minutes and no one came to my table. So I left. I will never return and I will never eat at any of your stores. It’s really too bad, I love to eat out and I am a very good tipper.
Cheers, my name
PS: I am a professor at the local university and will be telling all my students about my dining experience, or rather lack of it.
I do not expect one thing from them, but I feel better now.................
The joke around here since I moved here in the mid 80s is that the food is good but the service is not that great!!!
Well, that was the bad - Here is the good -
I have to say that is not always the case. Last night we went out to dinner with our friends Marie and Dennis.. We went to a local place called Cootie Browns.... We were seated and immediately served by a cheery helpful waitress... The food was good, the company was better, we had a really nice evening.... Unfortunately, I spent more space telling you about my bad experience then I did about my good experience...... but the day ended on a positive note and life goes on!!!
I hope you have a nice weekend in blog land or where ever you are.... and remember, take good care of yourself so you can take good care of another........ Peace, john
Friday, October 26, 2007

these conditions, I would have..............But we did not....... These images and the next bit about Thomas Jefferson I copied form other bloogers around the world..... Google/blogger has a nifty feature that displays images that are posted on blog pages, be careful what you post, it might be seen by the whole blogger world.... I have a lot of fun watching it when I need to relax and do not want to read.. check it out at:
In the mean time here is Thomas Jefferson:
and his ten rules!!!
Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
Never trouble another for what you can do yourself.
Never spend money before you have earned it.
Never buy what you don't want because it is cheap.
Pride costs more than hunger, thirst and cold.
We seldom repent of having eaten too little.
Nothing is troublesome that we do willingly.
How much pain the evils cost us that never happened.
Take things always by the smooth handle.
When angry, count ten before you speak; if very angry, count a hundred.
Thomas Jefferson
So, thank you bloggers for sharing these thoughts and images.
May we have peace on earth, john
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Oh Wow, we are so happy!!!
Will soon be here!!!
So, remember to take good care of yourself so you can take good care of another,
Love, John
Monday, October 15, 2007
While we were relaxing in our condo..... the ladies would be doing knitting and crocheting...
We had a wonderful time with our friends..... we are home now, with all the new stuff found here and there, and tomorrow it will be back to work for Sandy and back to normal for Dennis and Marie and one more day of Fall break for me!!!
Oh, yah! After we got home we went and picked-up Jill at the spa... she had a bath and got a new boo rag.....
And she wishes you a
So, we had a great time - and we are closing in on Halloween..... so, remember to take good care of yourself so you can take good care of another. Peace, john