Happy Thanksgiving To All....
Of course, it is the day after thanksgiving...... shopping is happening, bread is baking, etc., etc., etc.....
Yesterday I grilled a turkey..... We went to Sandy's family for lunch at noon!!!
I was the only one cooking a turkey so the pressure was on....
It was up at 5ish.....as you can see, my eyes were blurry (couldn't possibly be the camera...)
Then is was start the grill so is it could warm up... and get out the turkey..... the timer, the seasoning for the turkey, and some of the ingrediants for the gravey....
the turkey weighed 18.88 lbs...... Next we have the turkey in the sink after I washed it off and sprinkled it with seasoning.....
Looked pretty much like a turkey... at 6:00 am, I put the turkey on the grill..... this turkey had one of those little pop-up thingies....but not trusting that, I also used my tempature probe in the other breast.... Here it is on the grill....
The next step in cooking on my Holland grill is to close the lid and wait until the tempature probe tells me the turkey has reached the correct tempature...... So in the meantime I will start the gravey......I found this receipe in a Cajun cookbook - it is called Werstershire gravey... I am not going into a lot of detail other than it tasted good whein it was finished... and oh yeah, I did use the rest of the the turkey that came in the package.....
..... While the turkey was cooking Sandy prepared spinach salad and squash caserol and, I worked on the gravey......
The turkey finished cooking shortly after 10AM.... And here it is...
Inspector cob is looking over it....... We covered it with foil and finished our other preparations and left for turky lunch/dinner at Sandy's family..... We had a great time, ate lots of terrific food, gave thanks for the many blessings we have and came home.... It was a wonderful time.... Oh, and the turkey was a big hit, it was moist and tasted good too..... I used my grandfather's carving set to care it up before we ate
Then the fun started winding down, we packed up and came home at halftime of the first football game!!! When we unpacked we discovered the remains of the turkey....... and as you can see, inspector cob is pleased!!!!
Well - happy day to all of you.... keep being thankful for all the wonders of this world and expectations of the next... and remember, take good care of yourself so you can take good care of another. Love and peace, john
John, that turkey looks amazing! Must have tasted amazing...cause it doesn't look like you have much for left overs!
Bless you and thanks for being my friend. I sure hope to see you all again some day. mark
Your day was obviously a success! The turkey looks great, not sure about the starting time!!!
I am sure Sandy is pleased to see she is in first place in the football pool.
Although Thanksgiving day is over lets hope that there is more thanks and giving in the future.
Along with others I too am grateful to have you and Sandy as my friends
Love and Blessings,
You guys are awsome - thank you Mark and Dennis, thank you so much. Love, John
yummy hope you had some leftover turkey for Jill!!
not much!!!
well, then you better grill a small turkey for Jill!!!..lol
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