Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Voice mail from Doc Colyar:

Praise God!!!
(Actually, praise God was not part of the voice mail!)


nbta said...

HE IS WORTHY TO BE PRAISED!!! We do praise God for this wonderful news. How great is HIS love for us? Greater than we could ever imagine. Now go grade those papers! mark

quig said...

Almost finished!!! I will have some final exams tomorrow, but compared the IT assignments finals will be a breeze... Thanks Mark, I would have been tickled pink if Doc Colyar had said
"praise God" on the voice message - actually, he may not have said it, but I could hear it in his voice.. blessings, john

Dennis and Marie said...

John, this is wonderful news. Marie & I do indeed "thank the lord"

Ruth W. said...

Wonderful news John...Looks like you, Sandy and the Copes will be growing old together..lol.

I did read Matthew's blog, and happy it has decreased in size, but feel so bad for him because another round of chemo is needed. How much more does this courage young man need to endure.

quig said...

Keep praying Ruth... for Matthew and for his family... looking forward to August, john

mac said...

Excellent news, John! That combined with finishing all the grading will make next week a breeze . . . and the next . . . and the next. But I won't go any further than that!