Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Mowin' maniac........

Today I was a mowing maniac.... I started before breakfast loading the mower and trimmer and then I went and ate a cheese omelet at Beasley's....... then, at about 9:30am I cut the grass and trimmed at church, the parsonage, and at home........ I finally came in the house at 3:30 and took a shower, graded some final exams, and put grommets in a purse.... then I had a glass of wine and Jill and I greeted Sandy when she came home. I bet I sleep well tonight..... Oh yah, I am cooking meatloaf on the grill and Sandy is making mashed potatoes and gravy and peas for dinner.........bet there will be some bread too... I forgot to eat lunch so I am hungry...

I hope you all had as good a day as I had............... remember, take good care of yourself so you can take good care of another. Love, john


Ruth W. said...

Hey John..Glad you had a good time mowing. Now, most people just don't understand the pleasure of mowing..lol. but I do!! My best summers were mowing 4 to 5 yards a week, which was usually on weekends. Loved it.

Wished my day was a good...but I'm not working tomorrow, it will be better.

Have a good 4th

Ruth W. said...

oh, by the way John, I might be out of a job soon...will you hire me..lol as the lawn girl of course..

only kidding..don't want to take that pleasure away from you.

nbta said...

I'm sure it felt great to get that work done! Enjoy the night off and relax tomorrow and celebrate.

Ruth W. said...

John, any word on Matthew yet?

Dennis and Marie said...

Glad you had a good day John. I built another stool for the church. See you tomorrow. Dennis

quig said...

No, no word on Matthew yet. I will let everyong know as soon as I hear - keep praying. thanks for asking....

Roz Raymond Gann said...

I get tired just hearing about your day.