Some blogger friends of mine and I have been having this rather good natured bantering in the comments of another friend who posted some pictures of famous people who have been in the news lately and he thought that, while he didn't like to think of these people as useless, they might be considered that way......... My comment was that they all looked like boobs to me!!! One of my friends comment back to me was that I shouldn't use the word boobs that way, that boobs were a good thing.... my comment back was something along the lines that the dictionary defines boobs as stupid awkward people and that I was sticking with my assessment... another friend then said that he agreed with the first person that boobs were in fact a good thing................... So here we are and I thought I would expand this conversation a little - it is a rainy day and I am bored!!!
Lets think about this a little. I certainly agree with the underlying notion that breasts are good. However, I believe that the word boobs is slang for breasts!!! Now the person with the original post had pictures and a couple of the women had low cut blouses and you could see part of their breasts - sometimes called cleavage. Actually the sixth definition in the on-line dictionary of cleavage is 6. Informal The hollow between a woman's breasts, especially as revealed by a low neckline, the first definition is 1. The act of splitting or cleaving. So, fact be know, maybe I got the idea to call the boorish people boobs form the pictures. I would have other pictures here of boobs and breasts and cleavage, but it might be offensive.
So the fact is, boobs are good when referring to breasts and not good when referring to stupid awkward people.
But I can't let it go at that, I have to make the comparison of using boobs for breasts to the use of the word weenie to represent the male penis. I, for the life of me, do not understand that. But here we have it, guess people do not want to call a breast a breast and they do not want to call a penis a penis so they call it a weenie....
Now here is the definition of weenie:
weenie - a smooth-textured sausage of minced beef or pork usually smoked; often served on a bread roll
frankfurter, wienerwurst, wiener, frank, hot dog, hotdog, dog
sausage - highly seasoned minced meat stuffed in casings
Vienna sausage - short slender frankfurter usually with ends cut off
red hot, hot dog, hotdog - a frankfurter served hot on a bun
and here is a picture...... of a weenie, not of a penis.

If I put a picture of a penis here many people would really get offended, others wouldn't mind.....
So, why I have been pondering these things, I am GETTING HUNGRY!!!
And here is what I think, when referring to a hot dog, weenie is and acceptable term. But, when referring to a penis, weenie is just one more slang term like boob is when referring to breasts!!
Well, all this is leading me to say that I prefer my boobs plain and unadorned, and my weenies with mustard, chili, onions, and sauerkraut on a bun!!!!
Cheers, John
Well done John!! Oh, but wait, is that a little smirk I see on your face??
Yes,'s rainy here too! Glad you filled my mind with such understanding, knowledge, joy and love for the English made my day!
Interesting what people do on rainy days. I spent some of the time shopping the rest designing another woodwork project. There will be pictures in a few weeks. I can't help being an Engineer!
Ran across this in the wee hours, just after writing mine about sleep. Now that my mind is filled with boobs and weenies, I'm not sure I'll get that last hour or so of dozing!
My dear, bro,I am certain our mother with her love of language and words is laughing uproarously (sp) and causing chaos in heaven. I cannot wait to show it to Sue who will do likewise! Miss you!
there might be a little smirk on my face!!! Thanks for the comments!!
John, You always make my day! I'm so glad I decided to read, and maybe write, again while suffering through the flu!! PEACE
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