Was discussing beers with one of my nephews..... likes Fat Tire and I told him about 1556... now he is looking for it... we are all going in search of it on Friday evening!!!! More later...
The weather here is outstanding... They are transiting to fall... toward the end of October they will enter their hot season.... While the seasons are not as noticeable here as they are in East Tennessee, the locals can really tell the difference!!! Proving once more that where you are is where you are and you should get used to it!!!
I will post pics later, when I take some, and keep you well informed... Although my sister and the surrounding area does not have wireless, she has DSL and it is easy to plug-and-play!!!!!
Remember, take good care of yourself and try not to be the next pin cushion!!!! love, john
Hi John,
I am so pleased to hear that your traveling was good. I did however wonder if you found any 1556 beer. If you did was it better than the 1554 we have tasted here in JC!!!!
San Diego...what a great place to be! I miss living in that part of the country. If you make it up to the Pasadena area for any reason...look up my brother. He'll find that 1554 beer for you!
what's a couple of years here or there!!! ;)
The last time I was in San Diego, a couple of friends and I rented a car and drove out into the desert. At the moment, I can't recall why we did that, but I still remember the trip. San Diego is my second favorite urban destination in California. The first is San Francisco.
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