Sunday, June 14, 2009

Dinner at the Copes -

Last night Lyn and Bo along with Sandy and John gathered at the Cope's for dinner to celebrate the 39th wedding anniversary of Lyn and Bo - we had a super dinner followed by great conversation... We all had a great time.... The Howell's anniversary is actually today - so CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU BOTH ON THIS EVENTFUL DAY!!!!

Cheers, john

ps: it will be some time before I can claim to be a videograhper!!!


nbta said...

The next Spielberg in the making!

quig said...

More than likely is will be Spillberg!!!

Ruth W. said...

keep up the good work John, but you forgot to introduce Gordy!!

quig said...

Sorry for the oversight....

Dennis and Marie said...

Thanks for sharing John!

Ruth W. said...

no problem John, it's my fault, I tend to notice dogs before people. There must be something wrong with me..lolol

quig said...

next time I'll introduce the dog and forget the people.....

Bo said...

Good work John. Thank you for the notoriety.