Yesterday (Friday) I went for the last hurdle before Hip replacement surgery on Tuesday....
My orthopedic surgeon's PA was to do a history and give me a physical.... Part of all of this was a new set of x-rays of my hip. When they took the new pictures there was an anomaly that they could not easily explain.... Here are the pictures one from November when I started having problems and one from yesterday.....

Notice in the first picture that the bad hip is somewhat deteriorated but you can still see the femoral head (the ball)....... but, in the second picture the femoral head no longer exists, it is kinda pointed................Hummmm!!!
My doctors PA was startled as was the x-ray tech..... he asked things like have you had surgery on that hip? I said no, and then I said it kinda feels like it is floating.... he said, it is..... oops!!!
He sent the pictures to my surgeon (by PDA).... pretty cool!!! They have seen disappearing femoral head before, but not in 6 months so they were concerned..... end result......
Yesterday afternoon I had a MRI..... Surgery is still scheduled for Tuesday..... They want to make sure that there isn't something else going on besides osteoarthritis that could cause my femoral head to vanish....
Of course, getting an MRI at 4PM is too late in the day to get back any results on Friday, so we will wait for the results on Monday....
I am betting that the dang thing (femoral head) just wore out....could explain the sever pain I was in for all that time....
As of right now, surgery is still on for Tuesday and I will begin the road to recovery....
Please say some prayers for us as we move forward....
Cheers, John
John don't worry. This is not the first time you have had a vanishing ball. Hang in there. We will be praying for you.
Holly Cow John, where did your hip go?!?
Will be praying for you.
We'll be praying John!
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