Endoscopy of the urinary bladder via the urethra is called cystoscopy. Diagnostic cystoscopy is usually carried out with local anaesthesia. General anaesthesia is sometimes used for operative cystoscopic procedures.

Here is a picture of a the scope used in the procedure: Some people do this without sedation, I did the first time, and since then, the last thing I remember before Dr. T. does the exam is him smiling and telling me see you later.......
Other than a change in medications, this exam went well. So, unless I have problems, I am good to go for another year.
Sandy brought me home and I slept off the sedative..... and haven't done much the rest of the day.... Oh, I did bake bread, it is Friday........... and I have read some of my material for church. This is a day off for me and thanks to Sandy, I do not have to worry about what does or does not get done.
Thank God for good health. Thank God for Dr. Tongco.
I hope your day flowed as freely as mine........... and, take good care of yourself, cheers....
Hi John,
So glad that your test results were GOOD! See you soon.
Hey John...Ditto what Dennis said. I was thinking about you all day. So glad everything went well..And isn't that little trip to lala land GREAT!!!... :)
take care
thanks you all for thinking about me - and YES, it is.........
Glad everything's well! Loved the picture of the equipment. It really makes the point, doesn't it?
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