I did not know what today had in store for me so I let it unfold on its own..... I started off by going to the gasoline store, then to the Wal-Mart store, then the Lowe's store, and the money store (bank), the bacon-egg-cheese chrissandwich store, the grocery store, another grocery store, home to unload the groceries, the Boones Creek Outdoor Equipment store to buy a trailer for my SCAG, - at this point it got tricky............when we hooked up the trailer the lights did not work...bad ground on my end...so it was off to find a truck fix-up store in Boones Creek which I did. The fellow in this small shop took an hour an half but finally fixed the problem - did I say that he stopped what he was doing to work on my problem and only charged me $25..... it was hot and I had not eaten lunch and I was feeling dizzy so I drank a Pepsi (from the Pepsi machine store ) and it helped.... back to the trailer store, then to the license tag store, and then home at 4PM. I was supposed to meet the chimney sweep at 3 PM but thanks to Jason, he had come and gone and swept the chimney.......... then I was off to church for a finance committee meeting and then to the dinner store and now I am home again, Thank God. So, now I know what the day had in store for me.
Take good care of yourself, cheers
Man, you had a busy day. Ours started similar as we went to Wal-Mart and Lowes but then we rested before the storehouse. I hope tomorrow will be a little less hectic.
hummm...maybe I am better off being at work.. ;)
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