Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Hello friends - Well here it is the first day after vacation - getting adjusted to being back in the "normal swing of things." We were up b4 6am and Sandy was off to work at her usual time... As for me, I got to play with the dogs and cats.....do the vacation wash.....cut some flowers and pull off some tomatoes......finish my book....now I have a text book to read for the fall semester, ugh.

The highlight of my day so far was changing the Japanese Beetle bags..... I had put the traps out before we left on vacation and they were almost full of dead Japanese Beetles, rotted and rotting Japanese Beetles and covered with flies - flies love rotting things..... Don't worry, I do not have have any images and would not download them if I did...

I wore my new shoes all day today, breaking them in.....

Sandy just got home... she is leaving again for a meeting of her professional organization... I am home alone........ I will try to not get into trouble... but with those snazzy shoes, it might be difficult.... She'll be home in a bit for dinner..........

Bye for now..........and
May the road rise up to meet you;
May the wind be always at your back;
May the sun shine warm upon your back,
The rain fall softly on your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.


Ruth W. said...

ahh, John, I hate to tell you this, but your shoes have holes in them!!! ;)

quig said...

Oh ma gosh!!!

Dennis and Marie said...
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Dennis and Marie said...

At least you didn't have holes in your socks!

quig said...

are you sure?

Dennis and Marie said...

Thanks for the Prayer and all the other comments. See you tomorrow

mac said...

Don't you just love to sprawl out on the couch these summer days with a good textbook to read?

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