While in Lubbock, TX we (me and other numbskulls like me) would ride our bikes behind the DDT (poison to kill mosquitoes) trucks and pretend we were in a smoke screen playing war....it is not cool today to play war or to spray with DDT. It was ok then to play war and cowboy and indians...also not cool today. I also tried to blow up my hand with a fire cracker while playing war with my little plastic war figures, I particularly remember the one with the bazooka - I don't think they have those anymore, now they have hand held guided missiles...see, things have improved.
Imagine my surprise while in the pharmacy today I found a whole set of "soldier
s" - AND, there was the soldier with the
bazooka - I still don't think they make bazookas any more.... so I guess these are WWII, Korean, and Vietnam war soldiers.... surely not our more modern army...... of 1!

The company that makes these "toy soldiers" also make toy farm animals, jungle animals, cowboys & indians with a promise of more to come.............................. Good grief, I was completely wrong, you can still play army, and cowboys and indians - as well as - farm animal and jungle animal..."me Tarzan, you Jane".. maybe the next set of toys will be doctors & nurses and we can play "doctor", hummm.
Other than this really cool find, my day was pretty cool.... I had breakfast with Dennis and Marie, went to the grocery store, picked up the "not running" riding lawnmower (Dennis helped me) from the pastor's home (we got it running), delivered it to the lawn mower repair shop anyway, early voted, went to the pharmacy where I found the toy solders while talking with the pharmacist about the middle east mess, went to another grocery, took my bass to church - where I bought some shirts from the thrift store and saw Dennis and Marie again, went to my doctors office, came home and cut the grass.............and had a beer while writing this blog..... I definitely think my vacation is over!!!!!!!!!!!!! However, it is good to be home and be doing the things that help me be me.......
Pray for peace, even if you find some toy solders, God bless you and take good care of yourself - john
glad you had a good day john..mine just got worse, but that happens when you work at the zoo....have a good one tommorrow too
If you worked at the zoo you could stay in bed a lot later!
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