While I have done other things today making these pies has been the highlight of me day so far. A little later, I will get to try to kill two yellow jackets nests and one wasp nest.... They have been attacking Jason when he has been out doing yard work (not the nests, the yellow jackets and wasps)................ and that is not fun........ and I want yard work to be fun for Jason so he will keep doing it.....
Ok, here is how it went.....after dinner as the sun was setting...day is done....I took wasp spray and gasoline and perused the yellow jackets and wasps....gone the sun.....I used gasoline to eliminate two yellow jacket hives and I used the spray to eliminate one wasp nest by the driveway and three in the shed........gone the yellow jackets and wasps!!! The end for today.
Thanks for reading, take good care of yourself..........seeya, john
sounds like you got fired up today.
no matches today - just gasoline!! After the last time I figured I had better leave the matches in the house...... works just as well either way... good to hear from you.
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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